Mount Elgon National Park


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Mount Elgon National Park


  • Great for First Time Adventurers.
  • A must Go Place with Family.
  • Make Memories For Life Time.

This extinct Volcano is one of Uganda’s oldest physical features, first erupted around 24 million years ago. Mt Elgon was Africa’s highest mountain that exceeds Kilimanjaro’s current 5,895m. Mt Elgon is home to two tribes, the Basigu and the Sabiny with the Marginalized Ndorobos forced to dwell deep within the forest of Benet. The Bagisu also known as the Ba Masaba consider Mount Elgon to be the embodiment of their founding father Masaba and refer to the mountain by his name. At just 4,000km, Mt Elgon has got the largest volcanic base in the world and its located on the Uganda- Kenya border and it’s the oldest and largest solitary, volcanic mountain in East Africa. Mount Elgon National Park is home to over 300 bird species including the endangered Lammergeyer. The higher slopes are protected by national parks in Uganda and Kenya, which creates an extensive trans- boundary conservation Area which has been declared a UNESCO Man & Biosphere Reserve.

A hike to Mt Elgon’s abandoned moorlands show a magnificent and uncluttered wilderness without the summit oriented approach common to many mountains; the ultimate goal on reaching the top of Mt Elgon is not the final ascent to the 4321m wagagai peak, but the descent into the vast 40km caldera.

Mountain/ Volcano Climbing in Mt Elgon

Many travelers find Mt Elgon an exciting alternative to the active hiking in East Africa. It’s easier to access throughout the year, less congested and has got many of the same attractions, with a milder climate and lower elevation. Hiking the peaks needs no special equipment or technical experience.

The Sasa trail is the hardest route to the peaks, passing the community land and allowing you explore Bamasaba farming settlements and culture. The round trip takes four days and starts at Budadiri town at an elevation of 1,250m. this toughest climb of over 1,600m is completed on the first day, before crossing the park’s largest area of bamboo forest and passing Jackson’s pool on the way to Wagagai peak.

The Sipi Trail; This starts at 2,050m at the Kapkwai Forest Exploration center. It’s the longest trail to the peaks, passing through the northwestern mountainside through Tutum Cave to enter the Caldera and arrive Wagagai peak. The trail starts gently, but becomes tougher on the third day from Kajeri Camp.

The Piswa Trail is a long and the gentlest trail, it starts at the village of Kapkwata on the north side of the mountain and it passes through the soft wood plantation to the podocarpus forest. Its prominent for its rich wildlife and spectacular views of the Karamoja plains in Uganda and the Nandi and Kapeguria hills in Kenya. The Piswa trail goes the hot springs on the way to the caldera and the peaks.

Bird watching in Mt Elgon

Excellent birding opportunities exist around Kapkwai Forest exploration center in particular with in the secondary forest and the thick shrub along the loop trails extended to cover Cheptui falls. It supports the African Goshawk, white chinned Prinia, Chubb’s Cisticola, African Blue Fly catcher, Mackinnon’s Fiscal, Chinspot Batis, Dohertys, Luhders Bush shrikes, Cinnamon bee eaters, Tacazze Sunbird, Olive and Bronze naped pigeons, black Kite as well as Black collared Apalis.

Hiking/ Nature walks in Mt Elgon

This 7km mountain Bamboo trail to Kapkwai cave passes through tropical and bamboo forest. Along the trail are many primates, birds and the rare trees like Elgon teak and Elgon olive. The 5km walk to the chebonet falls and 3km walk to the Kapwai caves follow the ridge view trail. There is also the 11km hike to the Tutum cave with the option of camping overnight beside the cave. In Wanale, a visit to the Khauka cave takes three to four hours and you can also go to the view point through Nabuyoga loop where you can see Jackson’s summit and Wagagai peak.

Abseiling; this great activity is done down on one of the cliffs of the Sipi falls. You drop down 100m overlooking the ridge next to a pool of water from one of the Sipi falls. Enjoy watching the great scenery as you abseil down the rock, on reaching down you can take a dip in the pool before ascending back up the cliff to the top of the Hill.

Rock Climbing; this is another engaging activity outside Mt Elgon National Park and takes place at Sipi with 14 climbs thet need rock scaling techniques. The toughest climb is 35m while the easiest is 15m for anyone interested in rock climbing.

Sport Fishing; At the highest point of Sipi falls, there is an opportunity for sport fishing which will keep you busy as some of the locals join you. It offers a good challenge to anyone who is interested in the Rain bow trout. Remember to bring your own equipment and obtain a permit from Sipi River Lodge.

Waterfalls; The mountain rivers drop over massive cliffs on the northern and western sides of Mt Elgon forming some of the most beautiful falls. Among these are the three beautiful falls together known as the sipi falls. These are just outside the park and a hike to all is fulfilling experience The lowest of the falls flows over 100m cliff, followed by Simba at 69m and then Ngasire at 87m. More of the waterfalls are found in Wanale, Bulago, Chebonet and Sisyi.

The Caves: Mt Elgon slopes have caves that were left by moving lava when the mountain was formed many years ago. The most accessible are the Kapkwai cave and Khauka cave on Wanale Ridge. The hikers used the caves as shelter and currently act as locations for camps.

Sipi Falls in Mount Elgon National Park

Sipi falls is the greatest chain of waterfalls in all of Uganda. There are three levels and though the smaller two are beautiful, it’s the 95m main drop that attracts the visitors to the area, and most of sipi’s lodging looks out over it. It’s well worth spending a night or two in this great peaceful place whether it is a part of your Uganda tour or in connection with a climb of the nearby volcano.

There is a network of well-maintained local trails that offer you beautiful views of the area and on your way to the bottom of each of the three levels of waterfalls. It’s also possible to walk off on your own, but we recommend taking a local guide who can explain the flora and fauna and also negotiate the passage through private property. The village and forest walks are also possible at Mt Elgon National Park’s forest exploration center.

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